Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DREAMS COME TRUE's Yoshida Miwa gets married

DREAMS COME TRUE (DCT)'s Yoshida Miwa got married to FUZZY CONTROL's vocalist cum guitarist JUON on 8 March which was also his birthday. JUON is 19 years younger than Yoshida and the couple got to know each other in February 2009 when FUZZY CONTROL worked on DCT's single "GOOD BYE MY SCHOOL DAYS and started to perform together on stage. Both groups belong to the same agency.

Yoshida had announced in May 2004 that she had a common-law husband Sueda Ken but he passed away in 2007 due to an illness at the age of 33. At one time, Yoshida had lost faith in life but she had slowly come to terms with her loss and began to think positively after knowing her husband.

DCT are currently in New York for recording and their new single happens to be titled "MY TIME TO SHINE" which seems to correspond with the timing of the marriage announcement. The group will hold a concert in Osaka on 13 May while FUZZY CONTROL is due to appear at an event on 25 March in Tokyo.

Source: Yomiuri Hochi

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